5 easy steps to Cleanse and Activate your Energy Stones

These 5 practical steps to cleanse and activate your energy stones at home are very easy to do and you don’t need to know anything about mystical rituals or have any special knowledge. The only “ingredients” you need to buy are available at your local supermarket: mild soap, 3 white candles, aluminium foil and sea salt.

In this week’s post: Energy, Stones and Well-Being, you can get an idea of what we will do now.

The key points are: cleanse with salt, activate with light and amplify with very low temperature.

A word before we start: if the stones are for you, don’t let anybody else touch them and don’t let the stones get in contact with other metals besides the aluminium foil. If you’re preparing the stones for someone else, don’t touch them directly with your hands, I use gloves instead of having direct contact with the stones.

Here we go!

1. Wash your stones with mild soap in warm water

2. Put your stones (maximum 3 at a time) in a glass bowl and pour water and sea salt on top of them. Place the bowl in front of a window where sunlight will shine upon the stones at least once during the day. If direct sunlight isn’t possible, let the stones be in this salty water for half a day, preferably in front of a window.

3. This step is only necessary if direct sunlight isn’t possible: wash your stones with fresh water and place them in the empty glass bowl again. Place three white candles around the bowl so that the bowl is in the middle of this triangle of candles. Light the candles and leave them burning for a while, I usually wait until the candles are at least half way down. This light of fire cleanses and activates the stones.

4. After letting the stones cool down for a while, wrap each one separately in a small piece of aluminium foil and put them in the freezer for about two hours and then take them out.

5. The fifth step is to connect with your stones, one at a time. Take the first stone out of the aluminium foil and warp it with your hands:

Feel how the stone takes the heat away from your hands; feel how the warm energy from your hands flows into the stone, making it also warm.

Visualize in your mind the purpose of your stone. Is the stone meant for healing a specific part of your body? Is it to help you heal emotional wounds? Is it meant to open the doors of your heart to love? Connect stone and purpose in your mind through visualization.

Carry him around for a while. You can put the stone in a tiny cloth bag and then wear the bag as if it were a necklace inside your shirt so that the stone is near your heart. If you’re a woman you can place the stone inside your bra.

There are many interesting internet sites with detailed specification of what each stone does. You can google: “meanings energy stones” and start reading until you find a site that appeals to you and gives you the information you need.

There are also many books with great information and pictures. One of them is The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach. The beautiful pictures help you recognize the stones you need when you’re buying them and the areas which these stones enhance is described in great detail.

There’s a sort of game I do when shopping for stones: I let the stones choose me!
I look at the stones without any idea of which one to take home. As soon as one catches my interest in a special way I take it home. Then I look for the name of the stone in my book or in the internet and see which areas it enhances.
More than once have I been surprised at the universal wisdom of the subconscious mind. Things I wasn’t really paying attention to in my body, my psyche or my emotions surfaced as I read about the stones I chose and their properties.

I wish you very successful healing sessions with your stones.

Practical Tarot guide: Major-Arcana card meanings and relationships – Part 3

Part 3 of this Practical guide of Major Arcana Meanings starts with The Devil and ends with The World.

The Devil

The Devil

XV – The Devil

Being slave of our own fears or own monsters: addictions, jealousy, envies, attachments, anguish, greed, materialism, etc.

To hurt oneself

Lower energies take control of something and although they are an illusion, they achieve such power in one’s mind that it can eliminate will power. One cannot see, advance or free one’s self from these energies, because one is made blind by any of the characteristics mentioned above.

To be caught up in negative energies that can be lower forms of behaviour or thought.

Acting on rage, animal instincts

Sexuality takes over your head, no reasoning

Alcohol excess or any excess, generally speaking.

Something has gone out of hand

Lower organs

Appetites on the loose

The Tower

The Tower

XVI – The Tower

The Tower represents crisis, and even though these sorts of crises are very healthy and sometimes necessary, they can cause pain. These crisis bring your forward, you move on and evolve.

The comfortably laid out world, this that is “normal” to us is shaken up.
Although this crisis was necessary, and maybe even desired or predicted, it finally occurs in all its strength, but not self imposed. Sometimes events or normality become intolerable, and nobody seemed to do anything. But nature and heaven make the decision for you if you can’t do it on your own. Sometimes, we have to go through it.

Clean house, all elements of everyday life are shaken up or burnt with healing fire, metaphorically speaking, of course. Only the bare bones are left, all that is superfluous has gone. Essence remains.

All values and fundaments are freed of clutter.

To break out of sick relationships, end choking routines, and eliminate things that get in the way and don’t allow forward movement.

Sorting out what is useful, and throwing away what is not.


Chaos, it seems as if there’s no way to get order back

Something had or has to be done to end this

The normal and old order has come to an end.

The Star

The Star

XVII – The Star

This is an affirmation that comes from heaven and the universe: YES

Inspiration, beauty

Abundance, generosity, blessings

So much abundance of resources is available, that this woman pours water in water and the fertile soil. Pouring water in water: redundancy?

When reading in different areas of life and this card appears, it signals the correct way, the road that will make you happy. This road will make you feel complete.


When feelings are consulted, it stands for generous and complete love.

It is the road traced by the stars in the direction of wholeness.

Religion: the road of the stars that leads to the attainment of God.

Truth, goodness and beauty.

The Moon

The Moon

XVIII – The Moon

Your goal is in view, but there’s still a long way to go because this road is not free of obstacles or setbacks. The difficulty lies in things we cannot see with the eyes but can be sensed thanks to our intuition.

The light of the moon reflects the light of the sun. Moonshine logically indicates that the sun (our goals) is actually there even if we don’t see it. Goals are almost at hands grip, but there are “dangers” that might take out our strength and make our pace slower.

Although we cannot see, if we keep our senses open, there will be signals revealed during the way. Listening to hunches or inner voice is advised. Animals sense thing we don’t normally pay attention to, but they warn us. This symbolizes intuition and watching out for signs of danger.

Hidden intentions, actions, motives, and words.

When this card appears together with the sun or the star, or both of them, then there’s no danger. It means light during day and night. Clarity, luck, joy, and harmony. This combination reminds me of a night full of stars, when the moon is full on a clear sky and this light makes everything glow: it’s inspiring.

The Sun

The Sun

XIX – The Sun

Success, light, clean, good.

Coming home, achieving goals.

Welcome. Being welcomed.

Happiness, peace, and optimism.

Opposites are not opponents anymore, the tension between them disappears and they can now work together as one. Peace at last.

Coming together

That which once was a united and separated is now again united. This explains the concept of coming back home.

A green traffic light: things flow freely and on the right track, harmoniously and safely.


When I see the sun and the stars in a reading I always see success, happiness or harmony. The time is right or the outcome will be satisfying. For me the sun is an earthly and more down to earth symbol than the star which is a are more spiritual symbol.

The Judgement

The Judgement

XX – The Judgement

Freedom, liberation, relief

Finally time has come to let go or be liberated

Time to look back, recognize what worked and didn’t. Free from all burden, free to advance.

It’s time to set things straight and bring your affairs into order.

Classifying and organizing, making conclusions.

Feeling of relief and freedom after a project or task is over or achieved.

Pause for freedom after a hard job. A pause before the glory.

It has been a long and sometimes hard road, but this stage is over. You look back and all that seemed so hard and difficult doesn’t look like it anymore. You have matured, you’ve learned, and you are above the task: you solved, you lived, and you excelled. Freedom!

The World

The World

XXI – The World

All the elements of the universe, all the energies are in their place. The ideal, perfection.

Having the world in your hands.


You are in harmony with all the universal forces.

This card gives the feeling of completion, of excellence, and happiness; the feeling of being “full”.

Spiritually, it represents the gaining or attainment of God consciousness.

In love questions, the obvious: true and complete love, without restrictions.

In profession questions, it means having found your place in life, your mission.

In health questions, complete healing or cure.

State of grace

Joy in life and in the world

Permanent and universal meanings and values.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at: atika@mindspiritmotion.com
I’l be delighted to help you in any way possible.

You can find Part 1, Part 2 and the Introduction of  the Practical Tarot guide of Major Arcana meanings with these links:
Major-Arcana card meanings and relationships – Introduction
Major-Arcana card meanings and relationships – Part 1
Major-Arcana card meanings and relationships – Part 2

Practical Tarot guide: Major-Arcana card meanings and relationships – Part 2

Part 2 of this Practical Tarot guide starts with the Justice card and ends with the Temperance card.



VIII – Justice

As the name of this card indicates, it has to do with justice ad fairness.

Fairness in a wide range means “you shall sow what you plant (seed)”
Many times it has to do with legal papers, justice departments, lawyers and everything to do with legal matters. Contracts, paperwork, etc.

As an answer to an outcome or behaviour it means fairness.

Of course, when the neighbour cards are “negative” (there are no negative cards) than it can mean lack of justice, unfairness, lies (devil) or manipulation of the truth; not being able to see the truth.


Judging others, being judged

The Hermit

The Hermit

IX – The Hermit

This is for me a very controversial card; it needs a bit of carefulness to define its meaning.

Although it basically means “insight”, to get away from everything that distracts and disturbs in order to look inside of yourself and find your way and your truth (to follow the way of virtue), it may also not have such a happy meaning.

The hermit lives in a cave instead of trying to live in “virtue” among his fellow men ad women; he believes that in order to be “spiritually advanced and free” he has to stay away from them, either to escape from temptation or because he might feel he’s too good to be with normal people. He has good eyes but he needs a lamp to see because he’s in darkness; he can walk but he needs a cane.

When I see this card in contrast with the card of the Emperor I see sometimes a disturbed man (it can also be a woman), someone who stayed behind in some areas (economically, mentally, emotionally) and this causes him/her sorrow when conscious of this situation. It can also be someone who can’t really be aware of himself; he/she is in darkness. His/her behaviour may be harmful to others in a passive way because of his blindness or ignorance. Of course this occurs with “negative cards” (there are no negative cards)  as neighbours.

This troubled person may be in crisis and needs a “time out” in order to find himself again.

Patience, the pass of time without acting. The only movement allowed is in your spirit-mind.

I see our civilization reflected in this blind man at the moment. I perceive the desire to follow the light of hope that is spirituality, the following of our eternal Father’s will or the “energy”, etc (it doesn’t really matter how you want to conceive it).

The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune

X – The Wheel of Fortune

Fate, destiny

This card together with cards like “The Sun”, “The Star” or “The World” means luck and fortune.

There are things in life against which one cannot act, the inevitable, the uncontrollable.

When I see this card I try to keep my eyes open because this card might bring surprises. You can investigate what the whole thing is about by doing further readings in relation with this card; you can find out which event it refers to or at least which area in life will be affected, also whether things are conflictive in nature or harmonious.

It may call for acceptance of life “how it is” or “how it turns out to be”.
This attitude of acceptance can be resignation, but for a mature and experienced person, life’s ups and downs can be worked out to still achieve pre-set goals.

Life might require flexibility in the light of unexpected events.

A rock in your way can be walked around, climbed or hammered to pieces in order to get to the “other side”, but you can also just stand there and feel bad about your luck. Either way it is only “your choice”.



XI – Strength

This card I like very much, I like what it means:

The lion represents force and passion; all that in nature and in our nature which is very strong and which can force or control peoples lives.

In this case the lion allows his mouth to be opened or closed by this woman or being because he/she is in harmony with the force of nature and inner passions. He/she is mature and “knows” out of experience how to live in harmony with these forces. He/she is in peace with himself/herself and the surroundings, and can “play” knowingly with dangerous powers.

The hat is the sign of the infinite “8”

In contrast with “The Hermit”, there’s achievement of spiritual and mental harmony and no fear to be exposed to life. She doesn’t even see temptation. She is sovereign.

Her attitude is a healthy one, towards fate, passions, and forces. She knows the cycles of life, how things work; and she is perseverant in living life how she chooses to.

Resolution, perseverance.

How do I go about in life and temptation?

Am I sovereign in my deeds and actions?

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man

XII – The Hanged Man

This card talks about being at a stop and seeing things backwards or acting like it’s not supposed to be.

The presence of the following attitudes: confusion, stubbornness, immaturity, but also being dumb.

Sometimes, this card talks about youth and the difficulty of this time. Not a grown up and not a child. Like an ostrich which its head in the sand.

It also sometimes indicates a time of not being conscious of things or events. It seems like having wasted time “hanging on a foot” with no purpose at all, and it is as if having observed the world from the wrong perspective.

Then is this card an invitation to stop, open your eyes, turn around and look at the world from a whole new perspective. A healthy and constructive perspective is needed in order to solve and advance in life.



XIII – Death

In films you usually see the great fear some of the characters live with this card. But this whole tragic and exaggerated drama is so far from the meaning of Death in Tarot.

Death of that which is old is birth of things new.

Death and re-birth.

Old chapters in life come to an end and clean the environment, preparing life for wholly new chapters.

This which decayed and doesn’t work anymore is pulled out from the roots, deeply extracted. And there, where stagnated energy is expulsed, starts new life and new energies that are constructive.

Of course, depending on your point of view and the situation, this card can provoke sorrow or joy. If your level of attachment with the “familiar” ways is high or if your secure position is at risk, then it doesn’t matter if the change is good for you or not in the future, this will be a negative card.
In these situations trying to recognize that the sign of the times indicate that things are coming to an end, and I don’t mean it in an apocalyptic way, is hard work. But these events are just part of the recurring cycles of life.

I have to admit, endings can be terrible. And although in the long run one is thankful that everything happened the way it did because a new life with its beauty and new opportunities now exists, in the very moment of these events drama can and may take over. It is important to adopt the position of the next Major Arcana: Temperance; we live in a dual world were extremes exist; it is healthy to try and find the middle road.

Whatever this card is about, it is always a promise of a new beginning; and most times it is something to be happy about.



XIV – Temperance

Moderation and balance

Knowing how to deal with the opposites in a dual world and not going to extremes each time.

The balance of duality is desired or achieved.

The person or situation being consulted shows strength of balance. Its middle point or core energy can be influenced but its essence remains untouched.

Stability, balance, flexibility

Health stability of a person or situation


Temperance is a very positive energy. Sometimes situations, energies or personalities can go to extremes, but to find that middle point is an important goal in life.

This card shows that duality in the world is not something to avoid or fight against; instead one should try to be conscious about how it manifests and learn how to deal with nature and move ahead in life.

Correct use of resources, of what is available, it gives stability.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at: atika@mindspiritmotion.com

Continue reading the Practical Tarot guide:
Major-Arcana card meanings and relationships – Part 3
Major-Arcana card meanings and relationships – Introduction
Major-Arcana card meanings and relationships – Part 1

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