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- 5 easy steps to Cleanse and Activate your Energy Stones
- Energy, Stones and Well-being
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Affirmative Prayer and Healing
There’s but one Creative Mind and you are a part of it. Working together with the Cosmic Mind and the Universal and Creative laws of harmony and health will enhance your own health and well-being.
The power of the verb – your words and thoughts – is unlimited. You, as a part of the creative mind, generate that which you program. This related to health issues is an important point to consider.
The time lapse (approximately an hour or so) between the moment you prepare to lay in bed and actually fall asleep is the time when affirmative prayer has its greatest power. The moments right before you doze off to sleep, when your conscious mind doesn’t interfere so strongly, are prefect to program yourself to positive and healing attitudes.
Especially before going to sleep one has the tendency to recall what the day looked like, and as we lay ourselves to bed, we are more conscious of our body and our pains. What happens if you think and talk about your pains or name your illness? You are actually giving them the power to stay and even to grow. One is better off avoiding this. Fear and pain are no good companies before going to bed.
Instead think about harmony and perfect health, and don’t refer to your condition by name in the hours before going to bed.
I will show you my personal affirmative prayer for healing which is inspired in a prayer contained in Dr. Joseph Murphy’s book: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.I recommend that you adapt or make your own personal healing prayer which would better suit you, whether in its content or the way you normally talk to yourself or the universal energies.
You must feel comfortable with your prayer and be able to remember it because you will repeat it often enough so that your subconscious mind accepts the “health affirmations” for your body as true and sets out to heal you.
Affirmative prayers should be repeated several times a day, taking into account that the moments before dozing to sleep are those in which praying works with more power. It’s like even though you’re sleeping, your mind repeats that which you programmed.
Filed under Affirmative Prayers, Loving, Well-Being | Tags: health, life-transformation | Comment (0)I am relaxed and in peace.
The infinite intelligence of my Mind which created me, in conjunction with the Eternal and Universal Mind, works in this moment to regenerate each and every one of my atoms, cells, tissues, nerves, organs, systems and vital processes. It regenerates me completely and restores perfect state of health in me and around me.
All distortion patterns and thoughts are removed, dissolved and gone.
My whole body is completely restored to health and harmony.
For this I am thankful.
5 easy steps to Cleanse and Activate your Energy Stones
These 5 practical steps to cleanse and activate your energy stones at home are very easy to do and you don’t need to know anything about mystical rituals or have any special knowledge. The only “ingredients” you need to buy are available at your local supermarket: mild soap, 3 white candles, aluminium foil and sea salt.
In this week’s post: Energy, Stones and Well-Being, you can get an idea of what we will do now.
The key points are: cleanse with salt, activate with light and amplify with very low temperature.
A word before we start: if the stones are for you, don’t let anybody else touch them and don’t let the stones get in contact with other metals besides the aluminium foil. If you’re preparing the stones for someone else, don’t touch them directly with your hands, I use gloves instead of having direct contact with the stones.
Here we go!
1. Wash your stones with mild soap in warm water
2. Put your stones (maximum 3 at a time) in a glass bowl and pour water and sea salt on top of them. Place the bowl in front of a window where sunlight will shine upon the stones at least once during the day. If direct sunlight isn’t possible, let the stones be in this salty water for half a day, preferably in front of a window.
3. This step is only necessary if direct sunlight isn’t possible: wash your stones with fresh water and place them in the empty glass bowl again. Place three white candles around the bowl so that the bowl is in the middle of this triangle of candles. Light the candles and leave them burning for a while, I usually wait until the candles are at least half way down. This light of fire cleanses and activates the stones.
4. After letting the stones cool down for a while, wrap each one separately in a small piece of aluminium foil and put them in the freezer for about two hours and then take them out.
5. The fifth step is to connect with your stones, one at a time. Take the first stone out of the aluminium foil and warp it with your hands:
Feel how the stone takes the heat away from your hands; feel how the warm energy from your hands flows into the stone, making it also warm.
Visualize in your mind the purpose of your stone. Is the stone meant for healing a specific part of your body? Is it to help you heal emotional wounds? Is it meant to open the doors of your heart to love? Connect stone and purpose in your mind through visualization.
Carry him around for a while. You can put the stone in a tiny cloth bag and then wear the bag as if it were a necklace inside your shirt so that the stone is near your heart. If you’re a woman you can place the stone inside your bra.
There are many interesting internet sites with detailed specification of what each stone does. You can google: “meanings energy stones” and start reading until you find a site that appeals to you and gives you the information you need.
There are also many books with great information and pictures. One of them is The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach. The beautiful pictures help you recognize the stones you need when you’re buying them and the areas which these stones enhance is described in great detail.
There’s a sort of game I do when shopping for stones: I let the stones choose me!
I look at the stones without any idea of which one to take home. As soon as one catches my interest in a special way I take it home. Then I look for the name of the stone in my book or in the internet and see which areas it enhances.
More than once have I been surprised at the universal wisdom of the subconscious mind. Things I wasn’t really paying attention to in my body, my psyche or my emotions surfaced as I read about the stones I chose and their properties.
I wish you very successful healing sessions with your stones.
Filed under Well-Being | Tags: energy-stones, how-to, ritual | Comments (2)Energy, Stones and Well-being
Everything in the Universe is a manifestation of energy or energy in its purest form. Humans and objects all radiate energy and many are able to see this electro-magnetic field manifest in colors: the aura; and there’s a sort of white “suit of light” that covers every object and human being visible between the surface of the object or person and the aura. Colors and density of this so called “suit of light” can be influenced by emotional states in humans as well as other objects or human beings.
Because of their nature, Energy Stones absorb, store, transmit, re-transmit, and amplify these radiations which turn them into powerful tools that can affect our health positively. Therefore we can use stones to enhance our physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional well being.
How can you do that?
- Stones and crystals absorb all sorts of energy that come in contact with them (this can be constructive energy or not), that’s why before using them you must first cleanse them. Every stone has its own natural qualities and energy manifestation; cleansing them before we use them will help us take advantage of these natural characteristics for healing and well-being purposes. Sea water or pure and fresh river water cleanses them effectively.
- Stones and crystals are activated after cleansing them. Activation means that we amplify the Life Energy of these stones which then can be used to heal. Some use rituals to activate them and some simply water and sun-light. Native American Shaman activated their stones with a sacred blessing ritual.
- Once the energy stones are activated we can “wear” them or carry them with us. There are stones that relate to every part of our bodies and to every emotional, physical, mental and, spiritual state.
Some points though should be observed:
- It is not a good idea to put activated stones in contact with metals because metals interfere with the natural radiation of the stone.
- It is also recommendable that only you make contact with the activated stone, the interaction between your energy and that of the stone should be kept only between both of you. As soon as the stone makes contact with other persons, it will inevitably absorb and interact with the energy of these other people.
There’s a very beautiful and complete book by Robert Simmons that specifies the stones qualities and the area of use in order to enhance our well-being: The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach. It has beautiful pictures of the stones and the area which they enhance is more than thoroughly described. Through this link you can take a look inside at the first pages of this book.