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Choose to be Happy: How affirmative prayer programs your mind
I’m actually a very happy person, and it feels really good to recognize it in silence. Everyday, I choose to be happy. But as soon as I write this sentence down, a little bit of my past fears scare me for a second. You see, I was not always this happy person I am today.
How many of you have heard “that’s life”, “some things will never change”, “you never know what can happen”, or “why even bother?” These common phrases keep you expecting the worse. Hearing them enough is also a way of self-programming. Your mind accepts these messages as true and executes them without discerning whether it’s good or bad. This is how the mind works.
If you live and think in fear, then that what you fear will come true.
Choose to live and think with trust and love in life’s wisdom, then a lovely life full of self- trust will manifest.
Self-programming works faster than you can ever imagine. In one week, since “choosing to be happy” and reinforcing this goal through self-programming (also called affirmative prayer), I got the job of my dreams in a great place, working with great people.
On the very day I quit my old job (a very progressing company but a depressing place to work at), my soon-to-be boss called me to ask if I would be interested in working with him. After his call I just sat down speechless: in shock and awe at the power of my self-programming sessions.
It was a very hard decision to quit my job without having anything else in my hands except my trust on the Universal Wisdom. I was just simply happy and grateful towards life.
Starting to consciously pray in an affirmative way will improve your relationships incredibly, and the way you approach life and how you feel is like a sort of small re-birth. And this state of happiness you can renew everyday; you’ll feel blessed.
Being this such a wonderful state to be in, I want to share these practical exercises with you. It is my intention to contage you with happiness.
What, when and where:
Prayers and auto-suggestions work at best right before you doze to sleep and when they’re the very first thought when waking up. Also in those moments of peace and silence, where there’s no chance to be disturbed.
Everyday, twice a day or more, when the conditions allow it, repeat the following text or make your own prayer according to your personal needs, and in a tone you personally use to communicate with the universe.
Be patient and consequent. Repeat this everyday, at least twice a day. Trust the power of the divinity in you and the universe. Choose happiness.
The powers of my mind-spirit, in connection with the eternal Wisdom of the Universal Mind, open my inner doors to happiness.
Beauty, Truth and Goodness burst inside of me and fill every cell of my body with genuine joy.
Beauty, Truth and Goodness grow and expand outside of my body filling every single part of my life with blessings.
Everything I touch is beauty, the universe is wonderful
and I AM HAPPY and thankful for this gift
With this exercise you will discover that what one often hears: “happiness is real at moments, and it’s not a constant state to be at” is not at all true. People sometimes describe being happy as being “high”, laughter and joy unlimited.
Experience has taught me that “being happy” is actually a constant state in life, if you choose it to be. This state of happiness is sometimes affected by bad news or events, but you’re core element remains untouched. And as time heals, you always return to be your normal happy self.
It’s wonderful when you ask someone, if they could choose “what to do” or “where to be”, and their answer is:
I choose to be here doing exactly what I’m doing now.
This, my friends, is real freedom!
Filed under Affirmative Prayers, Good News / Faith, Happiness | Tags: self-development, universal-awareness | Comments (3)Your own Mind: the power to transform your life.
Your mind, as a substantial part of the universal mind, has the power to work miracles, it has the power to create and transform life.
Modern Physics (Quantum Physics) have proved without a doubt that even the smallest atomic particle found on earth and the biggest and farthest star on this universe are both part of a single and inseparable net of relationships. This invisible “net”, the space between the tangible, is inseparable – in function and substance – from that which is perceivable. This so-called “emptiness” makes the tangible possible, it allows function. Mind, spirit, our world and the universe are one; some parts of it you see, some you don’t. But these connections are real, whether we understand them or not.
Everything you find in the world was created by “the mind”. Your own world is also created mostly by your mind. Make contact with the grandiosity of the universal mind and heal your world.
Fill your thoughts with ideas of love, harmony, health, joy, and prosperity. The power of your mind will make them manifest in your material world. Deepen those thoughts; make them an integral part of who you are.
Illness, problems, war, and poverty -amongst others- have been targeted by trying to change its outward manifestation. The real sources that originated these sad realities have been entirely ignored.
The place to start the change is inside of you, me and everybody.
If you change the source, it is impossible to get the same outcome.
The source is your mind.
Our minds have many parts. We’ll concentrate about the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind has total control over your vital functions, those activities which we cannot control consciously. Your subconscious mind literally builds and regenerates your body every single second of your life.
As soon as a concept nests in your subconscious mind, it reacts like a computer: your subconscious mind follows exactly the orders given, without discriminating whether it’s a healthy or harming command. This makes things a tiny bit difficult in a world full of “you can’t”, “it’s not gonna happen”, and “life’s so difficult”.
The good news is that the main purpose of your subconscious mind is to preserve you and heal you. Its main goal is to create, not to destroy; and affirmative prayer, also known as scientific prayer, is a powerful transformation tool. Constructive concepts will always substitute or prevail over wrong-doing concepts.
Keep yourself busy with thoughts of health, truth, happiness, and harmony. And don’t worry that negative concepts may appear. The key to this is to let negative thoughts go as soon as they appear, don’t stop on them. Just go on with your thoughts of love, prosperity, and joy. Live these wonderful realities in your mind, feel as if you already had them, visualize them vividly.
It is also important that you check your life consciously. Observe where you are strong and where you are weak or incomplete. Check for ideas and concepts associated with the areas you would like to strengthen or completely change.
Start visualizing yourself the way you want to be; re-program yourself. Always remember that your mind is connected with a universal power, which supports you: The Universal Mind. You’re not alone; heal and grow.
The best times to do these visualizations are right when you wake up and right before falling asleep. Those are the times when your conscious mind is more relaxed than usual. And be constant, it has worked real wonders for me.
If you want to know more about your mind and how it works for you, I recommend this book: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. This is one of few books I consider to be my dearest; this book has seen me transform into the person I am today, it has changed my life and will continue to do so.
Good news: life starts here and has no end!
We have a spiritual career to get up to, and it will take us into eternity.
It’s time to free ourselves from the inherited concepts of karma, original sin, and guilt. This load on our backs doesn’t even belong to us. These concepts were sometimes used to establish discrimination among people; these concepts were often used to keep the privileged in power. Heaven is for every single one of us, if we want to. And nothing can take that away from us.
Be free!
This might come as a shock for some. You don’t have to be perfect, no obligated church visits, no purging-off your sins.
Your ticket to heaven is simply “Wanting” to make this journey. Inner longing to make this spiritual trip.FAITH is your key to Heaven.
It sound simplistic and easy, but it’s not… and then, it is.
At least for me, it’s very liberating, this sense of freedom is hard to describe with words.
Nowadays, there seems to be this emptiness in the air. Some of us try to fill this gap with shopping, entertainment and pleasures, but when you’re alone with yourself, you might get to feel a bit lost. Many questions could arise:
- What’s the purpose of life?
- What’s the purpose of my life?
- What next?
- Is all this worth it?
For some people the purpose of life is:
- Protect and provide my country or my family
- Cure the sick
- Feed the poor
- Help humanity
- Bring happiness to my family
These are wonderful and important goals in life, for all of mankind.
But, the “ultimate purpose in this life”, the one Purpose that makes all other purposes achievable is the consciousness of our eternal destiny in Heaven; the spiritual career.
This spiritual consciousness intrinsically implies:
- Opening eyes and hearts to our brotherhood on earth and in the universe. As material (only temporarily), intelligent and spiritual beings we all come from the same origin, our substance is the same, and our purpose is the same.
- Having goals that transcend all material and temporary ambitions (life’s motiv(es)ation). This is the spiritual career.
And longing for this journey across this universe, knowing only “that” which many of our religions have preached, is a pure act of faith.
And this pure act of faith upon the spiritual career is what guides us and gives us the tools to achieve all of humanities biggest goals.
The material world is a result of the spiritual world; our planet won’t get better with material solutions alone. The change has to come from the inside, from every single one of us. And this deep conviction of spiritual and universal values is the true motor.
One of many beings that showed us the way was our loved Michael, known on earth as Jesus of Nazareth, with his life’s example he continues to inspire us to reach out into eternity starting from ourselves:
Beauty of actions
Truth of mind and intention
Goodness of heart and soul
The spiritual career, the description of Heaven, Life’s purpose, and the complete narration of “The Life of Jesus” (narrated by spiritual beings) are but a few topics written on this wonderful book that changed my life: The Urantia Book.
Warning: If you decide to buy this book, I suggest you read it slowly, not necessarily from the beginning. Its concepts are hard to take at once; start by reading about things that have always interested you or intrigued you; and then slowly get to other deeper areas. I hope you love this book as much as I do.
Filed under Good News / Faith | Tags: god, goodness, heaven-destiny, soul, universal-awareness | Comment (0)