Guardian Angels: How they work and how they relate to us



Guardian angels are our spiritual helpers. Their goal is to help you, me and every person on this planet to communicate with the divinity in us, and to be one with the God-Cell inside ourselves.

This angel assignment is done according to our intelligence and spirituality levels. Since the times of Jesus of Nazareth guardian angels have been assigned to each and every one of us, without exception.

Average man shares many guardian angels with others based upon similar intellectual and spiritual progress related to:

  • Self-understanding
  • Self-conquest
  • Self-mastery

A “personal” guardian angel is assigned to you as soon as you evolve into a position of great decision making with potential of spiritual understanding and depth.

Your great “life” decisions are personal and no one else lives these decisions the way you do; everyone has their own experience. For you to consciously overcome fear and dare stand up to someone or some situations at hard times in a calm and well thought form, consequent with ideals or own moral standards can take a great deal of guts.

Personal guardian angels are assigned to you when these points are met:

  • Capability of great life decisions
  • Possible spiritual understanding
  • Relative contact with your own divinity
  • And when the “supreme” decision to be God-like is made

Being God-like

The “supreme” decision is made in that moment where you decide to be true to yourself, to life and to others; to love in all situations possible; to act consequently with that truth and love for yourself and humanity in your daily normal life. In that moment when you are conscious of being a part of the beauty of the universe, of this planet, of your country, city or family, and you want to cultivate this beauty: on this very moment you have been assigned a personal guardian angel.
You just simply want to be good and do good things in a good, healthy way.
It’s a way of life. It’s consciousness.

And this occurs whether you know or not that an active cell of God and his love is in you. Deepak Chopra, in his book How to Know God: The Soul’s Journey Into the Mystery of Mysteries, says that the urge to seek for answers, to look for God, to try and feel or understand the reality of God is in our DNA, we can’t help ourselves. We come from the love of God and we have the innate necessity to go back to our origin.

And this is what angels guard with jealousy:  our mind-spirit journey back to the Eternal Father in -what we call- paradise.

If you want to know everything about angels and many more things about God and the spiritual world and our eternal destiny, read the The Urantia Book

Tarot Major Arcana: A story of spiritual growth – Part 3

Having made the decision to leave the comforts of our safe world and to dig deeper into one’s soul, we entered the second part of the story which represented the mind and our inner struggles to fight that which we cannot change.

Now that the opposites of victory and loss have been accepted, and balance guides our acts, we are ready to enter the third and last part of this story.

Major Arcana

Major Arcana (click on the image for a bigger view)

Stage III: Soul – Upwards – Heavenly

This is the last chapter where our hero (we are our own heroes) achieves his goals and the world: he’s free!

Have you noticed that sometimes before healing definitely it only seems to get worse? The same happens at the beginning of this final stage.

Right after balance and recovery of the second stage were set, life exposes dependencies and slavery to conventions; ego, primitive desires and the determination to get things “the way I want” take over. These elements remain even though reality asks for recognition and acceptance of that which we cannot change or control (“The Devil”).

It’s hard to realize that what one thought was completed is actually not ready yet. Burdens and slavery are still there.

Therefore, and once again inspired by God and the heavens, crisis painted by “The Tower” card takes over and shakes up the entire world. This is a deep cleansing action which finally burns all that’s superfluous and not spiritually constructive, all attachments to old customs are gone; they were burnt down to its roots.

Material and personality burdens are cleasend away.

This crisis can be self induced sometimes; but if man doesn’t make the necessary decision, life usually takes over, and those energies (guardian angels) in charge of guiding and helping us through spiritual growth and evolution are indeed involved in taking us through these necessary experiences.

Once clean from ego, after so much fighting with the world and one’s self, looking up to “The Stars” in recognition of the spiritual and universal values learned along the way: there’s peace and sweet joy.

The abundance of stars and the generosity of their universal powers wake the urge to reach out and touch them. It is the will to be in harmony with spiritual values: beauty, truth and goodness… enlightment takes place.

“The Moon” represents the long and “dangerous” path that is the search for divinity, the quest for truth, the way to spiritual growth. The shine of “The Moon” allows seeing the purpose or goal, which lies in the future (intuition), in the dark. You can also see that it still takes a while to get there.

After all that has been achieved and lived, the road has finally led home, the place where one is welcome (“The Sun”), where warmth and light reigns. And it is as if time never existed, it seems like never having left. Did we ever?

Time is inexistent; in Judgement day (“The Judgement”), after having gone this long and dangerous road, you are not only free of attachments or ego, you are free of fear.

Material/Temporary mind is free. The spiritual mind is born or has been expanded, spiritual realities are attained, and lessons are definitely learnt.

The consciousness of God (the Eternal Father/Mother), also known as Nirvana is the card of “The World”: True light.

This process of spiritual evolution repeats itself over and over again, each time at higher levels, in a movement that could be graphically represented as an upwards opening spiral; each round is bigger and wider. The end is in reality a never ending new beginning.

In other aspects of life, “The Fool” starts its process again, that free soul parts from its comfortable settings and sets about to conquer the world; the quest for true values is long and beautiful.

This has been a story of attainment of Universal values:
Beauty of actions, truth in our minds, and goodness in our souls

Thanks for taking your time to read this story!

Tarot Major Arcana: A story of spiritual growth – Part 2

This story began with “the Fool/the Magician” in their safe world, where each actor had their usual role and place in society. This first stage represented the body and its outward movement.
With the decision made to dig deeper into one’s soul, we enter this second part of the story.

Major Arcana

Major Arcana (click on the image for a bigger view)

Stage II: Mind – Inwards

The second line of cards or the second stage represents the road of “insight”, our relationship with ourselves and our lives. It’s the inner world in each of us and our inner battles with life’s many tasks; but also the battles to try and let go.

The inner urge for fairness, the need to differentiate and judge, to choose to do “the right thing” (the “Justice” card) implies insight and enlightment (“The Hermit”). This discovery of the “right course of action” is felt at heart and is intellectually logical, it’s like a “click”, the pieces fall into place.

When you’re in the dark, troubled or standing before an obstacle or an event placed by fate – “The Wheel of Fortune”– and you find “insight”, you convert yourself from the enlightened “Hermit” into the card of “Strength”:

You come to believe that it’s natural to find things or situations which you cannot really influence; one can learn to live this reality and still go our way perseveringly until we master the task at hand.

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