The powerful Cell of Eternity in all of us

I’m extremely excited. For the first time in my life I’ve been able to witness, feel and experience the “coming” of the cell of God in a child: my son. He has turned into a moral* person with eternity potential, like each and every one of us does.

This cell of God, Eternity or the First Source (you can call it however you wish) has been spoken about in almost every religion. For some it’s the third eye and for some it’s more a concept like “being perfect like God”, “God is in you” or “You are God as a part of God”, to name a few.

Consciousness of God’s presence and reality is something we experience as a fact but cannot accurately describe, justify or prove. This cell of God in our minds “is” God’s presence in us, and it is “he/she” who whispers his love in our ears and originates our “faith” in his reality.

The First Source of all, in its absoluteness, cannot be perceived by us with our five senses, but our spiritualized mind has the capability of reacting to it and gaining consciousness of its presence through this apparently tiny but extremely powerful Cell of Eternity.
The First Source or Origin is absolute, impersonal and by choice personal as the figure of our Eternal Father.

We human beings of animal origin are born in a material world with very material and time-bound minds. As soon as your mind is capable of taking moral decisions, you loose a part of your material status and gain a new one: human being with eternity potential and this is marked by the immediate “appearance” of the God-Cell in your mind. This means that your mind is capable of experiencing the world not only based on that which is only tangible: your mind now has turned into fertile soil for the growth of your spirit.

This happens in the lives of every human being around the age of 6. It is also the time when we start caring for other people’s feelings, the time when we start learning the difference between right or wrong, and this list goes on and on.

That “difficult age” of questions about everything is typical for childhood. I am overwhelmed with joy at my 6 year old son’s questions.

Where are we really? I mean, in which part of us are we? Our head, heart, feet: where?

I suppose he feels the difference between that which we really are and this which contains us. We are spiritual beings dressed up in flesh.

If you want to read more about the presence of God in Mankind as the “Thought Adjuster” I recommend a book that changed my life: The Urantia Book.

You can also read The Urantia Book for free in the internet:

Note*: Please, don’t interpret “moral” under traditional Judaeo-Christian standards, but more with the “Brotherhood on Earth and the Universe” idea.

The power of “I AM”

“I am” is the name of the original source or primal cause of the whole creation. “I am” is eternal, infinite and uncaused. “I am” is the philosophic concept that portraits God.

There’s a cell of God in our minds, it’s located in the area between the eyes – often called the third eye – and it is this presence that makes us Godlike. “I am” is an integral part of you.
Pronouncing “I AM” refers inevitably to the original cause and it naturally activates eternal powers in you and in the universe.

The words pronounced after “I am” are also of vital importance: accustom yourself to using the right words when you refer to you. The power of “I am” is creation. You literally create that what you say about yourself.

  • I am happy
  • I am healthy
  • I am intelligence
  • I am consequent
  • I am love
  • I am good
  • I am peace
  • I am beauty
  • I am truth
  • I am prosperity
  • I am abundance
  • I am creative

This is a pure and powerful act of creation; it links you with the primary source of the universe.

Think twice before you say things like “I’m no good, lazy, difficult, and dumb”. Avoid calling anyone such names; specially kids and young people tend to “save” those words in their minds and act accordingly.

Make it an important goal to refer to you and to others with respect and in a constructive way.

Set those powers into motion for a good cause: being a beautiful, good and truthful person everyday.
It is an honour to give shelter to the cell of God; let’s live accordingly.

Gain consciousness of this divine presence in you and in others. Although complete consciousness of God is impossible due to our still very material nature, our eternal Father reaches out throughout the whole Universe towards us, he literally sees through our eyes. To spiritualize our material minds in order to establish all possible contact with this divine cell of God is beauty in action. For such beauty in the world I pray for and I’m thankful everyday.

With love,

Fear free among spiritual beings

Every now and then I meet people, who speak about their fears when feeling an unpleasant “something” or “someone” around them.

I lived myself also two very short periods of my youth and young adulthood without being able to sleep well or at all. Being such a “visual” and “skin” person (I feel or sense everything); I was perceiving spiritual beings who would rejoice at my fear and ignorance. They got a kick at me being able to see them.

These spiritual beings, called in some religions “fallen angels”, have total lack of strength or power whatsoever since the times of Jesus of Nazareth’s resurrection, specifically since the time of the Pouring of the Spirit of Truth at Pentecost.

There are 2 very important things you must know by heart:

  • There is absolutely no way possible for a spiritual being to do anything bad or good to you if you don’t want to. Nothing, absolutely nothing can interfere with your supreme universal right: FREE WILL.
  • Your Guardian Angel has full power – given to them by God, our eternal Father, and the Universal laws – to guard your life and see that you are in complete use of your right of Free Will.

We choose. We are free will creatures. And this is a strong privilege in the Universe; it makes us big in our own smallness.

We, as evolution beings of animal origin, are at the very beginning of the spiritual ladder of universal hierarchy. Our Eternal Father has created the mechanisms by which his love reaches every single one of us, universal beings, throughout the whole creation; and this fact is exactly that which protects us and makes us mighty:

  • The Cell of God in our minds, located in a place in our brains between the eyes. It is “the” major goal in life to turn into more spiritual beings in order to widen our contact with this cell of the Eternal Father in ourselves.
  • The Spirit of Truth, the presence of the eternal Son, which was poured about all of human kind here on Earth at Pentecost
  • And the loving watch care of our Guardian Angel whose source of origin is the Holy Spirit.

Consciousness of the importance of our place in the universe makes you strong.

I remember two techniques I used to get rid of my fears:

* I would visualize the whole amount of ideas, images, feelings, words, etc that go through our minds the whole day as small squares of a movie film; like if each thought or image were a small trailer of a whole movie.
The point here is that as soon as you stop on an image or a “movie trailer” automatically the whole film regarding this image would load. So I just had to take care of which film I would “download” and which I would just ignore.
There are sometimes bad images that scare you, and the more you stop on them, the more your fear grows. Instead, just look at the trailer and let it go, that’s not a movie you want to see.
Concentrate on good films; promote constructive energies and harmonious feelings, etc.

* Technique number two is one I started to use as soon as I gained consciousness of our human powers. And it doesn’t matter if your fears have foundation or not, all you have to do is simply “command” in an authoritarian tone of voice(don’t ask kindly here, please) :

You will leave this place (my house, etc) immediately! Now!

You have complete power to do it. And that’s all there is to it. A self-reliant and confident attitude works wonders to expel all fears.

Note: Please observe that I emphasize “getting rid of fear”.
I’m not saying here that spiritual entities don’t exist; there are countless light beings and very very few dark ones. But I do have to say that many times our fears are a product of our imagination, religious tradition or just simple superstition.

Here, I concentrate on you and your mighty powers. Whether “lower energies” are present or not is wholly irrelevant and of no importance whatsoever to our lives.

The important point in this whole situation is you and your ever growing universal consciousness.

If you want to read more about the presence of God in Mankind, Guardian Angels, a description of what happened at Pentecost related by “light Angels” I recommend a book that changed my life: The Urantia Book.

You can also read The Urantia Book for free in the internet:

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    mindspiritmotion is a blog that helps readers expose everyday life to a more spiritual and universal light.

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